Skin & Soft Tissue: Acrochordon (Skin Tag)

Acrochordon (Skin Tag)


  • Outgrowth of Normal Skin
  • Most Common is Sites of High Friction (Axilla, Neck, Inframammary Fold & Inguinal Region)

Risk Factors

  • Elderly
  • Pregnancy
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Metabolic Syndrome


  • Narrow Pedunculated Lesions
  • Can Cause Pain When Caught on Clothing or Jewelry
  • Can Infarct from Torsion – Appear Red/Black
  • Perianal Skin Tags are Associated with Crohn’s Disease


  • Clinical (Based on History and Physical Exam)


  • Majority Do Not Require Any Treatment
  • Indications for Treatment:
    • Symptomatic/Painful
    • Patient Preference (Cosmesis)
  • Treatment Options:
    • Excision
    • Liquid Nitrogen Cryoablation
    • Electrodessication

Acrochordon 1

Acrochordon 2


  1. Jmarchn. Wikimedia Commons. (License: CC BY-SA-3.0)
  2. Da Oger G. Wikimedia Commons. (License: CC BY-SA-3.0)