Pharmacology & Anesthesia: Bowel Regimen

Bowel Regimen

Dietary Fiber

  • Mechanism: Increases Colonic Distention to Promote Stool Propulsion
  • Recommended Daily Fiber Intake: 20-25 g/Day
  • May Take Weeks to See Effects
  • Side Effects:
    • Bloating
    • Flatulence

Bulk Forming Laxatives

  • Mechanism: Retain Fluid to Increase Fecal Mass
    • Soften Stool & Increase Frequency
  • Must Also Sustain Abundant Oral Water Intake
    • Poor Water Intake Can Cause Bloating & Obstruction
  • Benefits Debated – Limited Objective Evidence to Support Use
  • Forms:
    • Psyllium (Metamucil)
      • PO (Powder) 2.5-30 g/Day
    • Methylcellulose (Citrucel)
      • PO (Powder) 2 g 1-3x/Day
    • Wheat Dextrin (Benefiber)
      • PO (Powder) 4 g 3x/Day
  • Side Effects:
    • Bloating
    • Flatulence
    • Nausea

Osmotic Laxatives

  • Mechanism: Non-Absorbable Substances Pull Fluid into the Bowel Lumen
  • Forms:
    • Polyethylene Glycol (PEG/MiraLAX)
      • PO (Powder Packets) 1-2x 17 g Packets Daily
    • Lactulose
      • PO (Powder Packets) 1-4x 10 g Packets Daily
    • Sorbitol
      • PO (70% Solution) 30-45 cc
      • Rectal Enema (25-30% Solution) 120 cc
    • Magnesium Hydroxide (Milk of Magnesia)
      • PO (Liquid):
        • 400 mg/5 cc: 30-60 cc/Day
        • 800 mg/5 cc: 15-30 cc/Day
        • 1,200 mg/5 cc: 10-20 cc/Day
    • Magnesium Citrate
      • PO (Solution) 195-300 cc Daily
  • Lactulose Also Decreases Ammonium Resorption
    • Lactulose Decreases pH Causing Ammonia Uptake by Colonic Bacteria
    • Ammonia (NH3) Converted to Ammonium (NH4)
    • Ammonium Unable to Cross Membrane & Prevents Resorption
  • Side Effects:
    • Bloating
    • Flatulence
    • Nausea
    • Magnesium Compounds Can Cause Magnesium Toxicity in Renal Insufficiency

Stimulant Laxatives

  • Mechanism: Stimulate the Myenteric & Auerbach Plexuses to Increase Motility
  • Forms:
    • Senna (Sennakot)
      • PO (Tablet or Syrup) – Dose Varies
    • Bisacodyl
      • PO 5-15 mg Daily
      • Rectal Suppository 10 mg Daily
  • Contraindications:
    • Suspected Complete Bowel Obstruction
    • Recent Anastomosis:
      • 3 Days from Small Bowel Injury
      • 5 Days from Large Bowel Injury
  • Side Effects:
    • Abdominal Pain
    • Long Term Use Can Cause Loss of Haustral Folds
    • Melanosis Coli from Senna

Stool Softeners (Surfactants)

  • Mechanism: Decrease Surface Tension to Allow Fluid Absorption into Stool
  • Forms:
    • Docusate Sodium (Colace)
      • PO 50-360 mg Daily
      • Rectal Enema: 283 mg 1-3x/Day
    • Docusate Calcium
      • PO 240 mg Daily
      • Rectal Enema: 283 mg 1-3x/Day


Types of Enemas

  • Cleansing Enema – Only Retained for a Short Period of Time (5-7 Minutes) to Cleanse Loose/Impacted Stool
    • Tap Water
    • Saline
    • Sodium Phosphate (Fleet)
    • Soap Suds
    • SMOG (Saline, Mineral Oil, Glycerin)
  • Retention Enema – Retained for a Longer Period of Time (15-30 Minutes)
    • Coffee
    • Mineral Oil


  • Position: Lateral Decubitus or Kneeling with Head Down & Buttock in the Air
  • Irrigate Rectum with the Desired Volume
  • General Starting Volume: 200-500 cc
  • Attempt to Hold for the Desired Period of Time
  • Attempt to Defecate