Surgical Critical Care: Bradyarrhythmia


Pharmacology/Medication Dosing

Sinus Bradycardia

  • EKG Pattern:
    • HR < 50-60 bpm
    • Normal P Waves
  • Primary Treatment: Nothing
  • Atropine Indications:
    • Hemodynamic Instability
    • Signs of Shock
    • Ischemic Chest Discomfort
    • Acute Heart Failure
    • Acute Altered Mental Status
  • If Atropine Fails: Dopamine or Epinephrine Infusion
    • Also Consider Transcutaneous or Transvenous Pacing

First Degree AV Block

  • EKG Pattern:
    • Prolonged PR Interval > 200 ms
    • No Interruption in AV Conduction
  • Treatment: Nothing

Second Degree AV Block – Mobitz Type I (Wenkebach)

  • EKG Pattern:
    • Progressive PR Interval Prolongation Followed by Dropped Beats
  • Treatment:
    • Stable: Nothing
    • Unstable: Atropine

Second Degree AV Block – Mobitz Type II

  • EKG Pattern:
    • Normal PR Interval (120-200 ms)
    • Sudden Dropped Beats
  • Treatment:
    • Stable: Pacemaker (Transcutaneous or Permanent if Persistent)
    • Unstable: Atropine
      • If Fails: Dopamine or Dobutamine Infusion

Third Degree (Complete) AV Block

  • EKG Pattern:
    • P Wave and QRS Complex Completely Independent
  • Treatment:
    • Stable: Pacemaker (Transcutaneous or Permanent if Persistent)
    • Unstable: Atropine
      • If Fails: Dopamine or Dobutamine Infusion

Sinus Bradycardia 1

First Degree AV Block 1

Second Degree AV Block – Type I 1

Second Degree AV Block – Type II 1

Third Degree AV Block 1

Antiarrhythmic Pharmacology


  1. (License: CC BY-SA-3.0)