Vascular: Cervical Vasculature

Cervical Arterial Supply


  • Common Carotid Artery (CCA) Branches
    • Internal Carotid Artery (ICA)
      • Ophthalmic Artery (First Branch)
        • Communicates with Maxillary Artery (ECA)
      • To Circle of Willis
    • External Carotid Artery (ECA) Mn
      • Superior Thyroid (First Branch)
      • Ascending Pharyngeal
      • Lingual
      • Facial
      • Occipital
      • Posterior Auricular
      • Maxillary
        • Communicates with Ophthalmic Artery (ICA)
      • Superficial Temporal
  • Flow:
    • ICA: Continuous Flow
    • ECA: Triphasic Flow (Antegrade>Retrograde>Anterograde)
  • Bifurcation Structure
    • Carotid Sinus
      • Dilated Area at Base of ICA
      • Major Baroreceptor Site Responds to High Pressure
      • Parasympathetic Stimulation – Decreases HR & BP
      • Vagal Response by Carotid Massage
    • Carotid Body
      • Chemoreceptors at Bifurcation Mn
      • From Neural Crest Cells
      • Primarily Responds to O2, Also Sensitive to pH & CO2

Vertebral Artery

  • Originates from the Subclavian Artery
  • Terminates in the Circle of Willis
  • Segments:
    • V1: Pre-Foraminal – Origin to Transverse Foramina of C6
    • V2: Foraminal – Through Transverse Foramina from C6 to C2
    • V3: Atlantic/Extradural/Extraspinal – Transverse Foramina of C2 to Dura
    • V4: Intradural/Intracranial – Dura to Basilar Artery

Cerebral Vasculature/Circle of Willis


ECA Branches 1

Vertebral Artery 1

Circle of Willis 2

Cervical Venous Drainage

Internal Jugular Vein

  • From the Cerebral Sinuses
  • Tributaries:
    • Common Facial Vein
    • Lingual Vein
    • Superior Thyroid Vein
    • Inferior Thyroid Vein
  • Drains into the Brachiocephalic Vein
  • Runs Posterolateral to the Carotid Artery

External Jugular Vein

  • From the Face & Cranium
    • Also Drains the Anterior Jugular Vein
  • Drains into the Subclavian Vein

Internal Jugular Vein 1

External Jugular Vein 1


Branches of the ECA

  • “SALFOPMS” or “Some Anatomists Like Freaking Out Poor Medical Students”
    • Superior Thyroid (First Branch)
    • Ascending Pharyngeal
    • Lingual
    • Facial
    • Occipital
    • Posterior Auricular
    • Maxillary
    • Superficial Temporal

Carotid Body vs Carotid Sinus

  • B-O-dy – O2/CO2
    • Body Has Chemoreceptors
    • Sinus Has Baroreceptors


  1. Gray H. Anatomy of the Human Body (1918). Public Domain.
  2. Rhcastilhos. Wikimedia Commons. (License: Public Domain)