Anorectal: Condyloma Acuminata

Condyloma Acuminata (Genital Warts)


  • Genital Warts from Contact of HPV-Containing Secretions Through Anal Epithelial Breaks
  • Mostly Nonpainful but Can Itch or Bleed
  • Types:
    • Cauliflower – Most Common
    • Flat
    • Dome
    • Keratotic
  • Risk for Anal Intraepithelial Neoplasia (AIN) & Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC)

Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Association

  • HPV Types 6 & 11 – Low-Risk of Malignancy
    • Other Low-Risk Variants: 42,43,44
    • Accounts for 95% of Lesions
  • HPV Types 16 & 18High-Risk of Malignancy Mn
    • Other High-Risk Variants: 31,33,35,39,45,51,52,56,58


  • Goal: Remove Macroscopic (Visible) Disease
  • At-Home Tx:
    • Topical Tx: Podofilox, Imiquimod or 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU)
    • 40-60% Clearance Rate
  • Office-Based Tx:
    • Topical Tx: Podophyllin or Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA)
    • Liquid Nitrogen Cryotherapy
    • 80-90% Clearance Rates
  • Surgical Tx: Electrocautery/Fulguration or Excision
    • Indications: Extensive External Disease or Lesions in Anal Canal
      • If Circumferential: Staged Surgery (Prevent Stricture)
    • Dysplasia Does Not Require Wide Excision – Managed Similarly to Non-Dysplastic Condyloma
      • High Recurrence Rates with Unknown Benefit in Prevention

Buschke-Löwenstein Tumor (BLT/Giant Condyloma)

  • Rare, Large, Slow-Growing, Ulcerative Lesion
  • 50% Risk of Malignancy
  • No Basement Membrane – Spreads Laterally with High Recurrence Rates
  • Tx: Wide Local Excision
    • May Require APR if Extensive

Condyloma Acuminata 1

Buschke-Lowenstein Tumor 2


High-Risk HPV Types

  • HPV Types 16 & 18
  • Think High Risk HPV When First Have Sex, Drive at Age 16, Adult at Age 18


  1. Rind T, Oiso N, Kawada A. Successful Treatment of Anogenital Wart with a Topical Vitamin D(3) Derivative in an Infant. Case Rep Dermatol. 2010 Apr 20;2(1):46-49. (License: CC BY-NC-ND-3.0)
  2. Skowrońska-Piekarska U, Kościński T. Buschke – Loewenstein tumor resection with simultaneous reconstruction of extensive tissue losses: case report. BMC Surg. 2015 Apr 10;15:41. (License: CC BY-4.0)