- Posterolateral Branch of Sphenopalatine Artery #1
- From Internal Maxillary Artery or Ethmoid Artery
Risk Factors
- Hypertension
- Atherosclerosis
- Anticoagulation
- Bleeding Disorders
Differentiating from Anterior Epistaxis
- Often Difficult to Differentiate
- Rhinoscopy Can Identify Source
- Indications of Anterior Source:
- Minor Bleeding
- Stops with Direct Pressure
- Stops with Nasal Packing
- Indications of Posterior Source:
- Volume and Rate are Generally Not Useful to Differentiate
- Brisk Bleeding Despite Proper Packing
- Initial Treatment: Posterior Packing or Balloon Tamponade
- If Fails: Percutaneous Embolization vs Endoscopic Artery Ligation