Skin & Soft Tissue: Ganglion “Bible” Cyst

Ganglion “Bible” Cyst


  • A Cystic Swelling Filled with Synovial Fluid Over Joints
  • Caused by Herniation of the Connective Tissue from Joint Capsules, Bursae & Tendon Sheaths
  • 50% Resolve Spontaneously Over 1-2 Years
  • “Bible Cyst” Comes from How Nuns Used to Slam Bibles on the Wrists of Children When Misbehaving – An Old Treatment Now Not Recommended was to Cause Closed Rupture of the Cyst with a Book/Bible
  • Digital Mucinous Cyst – A Ganglion Cyst Over the Dorsal DIP Joint
    • Most Common in Elderly with Underlying Osteoarthritis


  • Mostly Asymptomatic
  • Firm, Smooth & Rounded
  • Mobile but Tethered in Place
  • Transilluminates
  • Can Cause Pain
  • Can Cause Motor/Sensory Loss if Compressing Nerve
  • Most Common Site: Dorsal Wrist (70%)
    • Second Most Common Site: Volar Wrist (20%)


  • Clinical (Based on History and Physical Exam)
  • May Require US or MRI


  • Initial Treatment: Conservative Management
    • Asymptomatic: Observation
    • Mild Symptoms: Needle Aspiration (Over 50% will Recur)
  • If Conservative Management Fails or Having Severe Symptoms: Excision & Ligation of Pedicle

Ganglion Cyst 1

Ganglion Cyst 2


  1. Doc James. Wikimedia Commons. (License: CC BY-SA-3.0)
  2. Malone GE. Wikimedia Commons. (License: CC BY-3.0)