Stomach: Gastric Volvulus

Gastric Volvulus


  • Abnormal Axial Rotation of the Stomach Around Itself


  • Primary (Idiopathic) – Due to Gastric Ligament Abnormalities
    • Kyphoscoliosis Can Cause Elongation of Ligaments Increasing Risk
  • Diaphragmatic Hernia – Most Common Cause
    • Congenital – Most Common Cause in Peds
    • Paraesophageal – Most Common Causes in Adults
  • Wandering Spleen
  • Phrenic Nerve Paralysis


  • Organoaxial: Around Longitudinal/Long Axis
    • Antrum Rotates Anterosuperiorly with Fundus Rotates Posteroinferiorly
      • Greater Curvature Rests Above the Lesser Curvature
    • Most Common Rotation
  • Mesenteroaxial: Around Short Axis
    • Antrum Rotates Above the GE Junction
    • Typically Not Associated with a Secondary Anatomic Defect
  • Complex: Aspects of Both Organoaxial & Mesenteroaxial


  • Borchardt’s Triad
    • Sudden Severe Epigastric Pain
    • Retching Without Emesis
    • Unable to Pass NGT
  • Complications:
    • Obstruction
    • Bleeding
    • Strangulation Causing Ischemia, Necrosis or Perforation


  • Initial Intervention: NG Tube to Decompress
  • Definitive Tx: Surgery
    • Components:
      • Surgical Detorsion & Resect Nonviable Tissue
      • Reduce Hernia & Repair Diaphragmatic Defects
      • For Primary Volvulus Consider Fixation to Abdominal Wall
        • Not Required if an Anatomic Defect is Repaired
  • Unstable or Unable to Tolerate Surgery: Endoscopic Detorsion with Double PEG Tubes (To Fixate)
    • If Fails: Surgery

Gastric Volvulus; (A) Mesenteroaxial, (B) Organoaxial 1


  1. Yesilaras M, Camlı D. A rare intraabdominal emergency. Turk J Emerg Med. 2015 Dec 30;15(3):109-10. (License: CC BY-NC-ND-4.0)