General Abdomen: GI Hormones

Hormones of the Stomach

  • Secretion: Stomach G Cells Mn
  • Stimulation: Amino Acid (Most Potent), Alkaline Environment & ACh (Vagus)
  • Inhibition: HCl (Negative Feedback)
  • Function: Stimulates Parietal & Chief Cells Mn
Somatostatin (SS)
  • Secretion: Stomach D Cells Mn
  • Stimulated By: Acid in Duodenum
  • Function: Inhibits Parietal Cells #1, Decreases Gastric Emptying & Inhibits Pancreatic/Biliary Output
    • “The Great Inhibitor” Mn
  • Octreotide – SS Analog
  • Secretion: Stomach & Duodenum
  • Function: Stimulate Hunger

Hormones of the Small Intestine

Cholecystokinin (CCK)
  • Secretion: Duodenum I Cells Mn
  • Stimulation: Amino Acids & Fatty Acids
  • Function: Gallbladder Contraction, Sphincter of Oddi Relaxation & Pancreas Enzyme Secretion
  • Secretion: Duodenum S Cells Mn
  • Stimulation: Acid, Fat & Bile
  • Function: Increase Pancreas HCO3 Secretion & Bile Secretion Mn
    • Inhibits Gastrin & Parietal Cells
  • Secretion: Duodenum
  • Stimulation: Food & Acid
  • Function: Increases Motility (Primarily in Stomach Antrum)
  • Where Erythromycin Acts
Gastric Inhibitory Peptide (GIP)
  • Also Known As: Glucose-Dependent Insulinotropic Polypeptide
  • Secretion: Duodenum
  • Stimulation: Glucose in Duodenum
  • Function: Insulin Secretion (Primary Function) & Weak Gastric Acid Inhibitor
Peptide YY
  • Secretion: Terminal Ileum
  • Stimulation: Fatty Meal
  • Function: Inhibits Stomach, GB Contraction & Pancreas Secretion


Secreting Cells

  • G-G: G Cells Secrete Gastrin
  • D (Double–SS): D Cells Secrete Somatostatin
  • S (Single-S): S Cells Secrete Secretin
  • I-CCK (“Icky”): I Cells Secrete CCK

Gastrin Function

  • Gastrin-Gastric: Gastrin Stimulates Gastric Specific Functions

Somatostatin Function

  • Somato-Statin = “Stasis” Stops All

CCK vs Secretin Effects

  • “B.S.”: Bicarb/Bile from Secretin