General Abdomen: Maneuvers & Retroperitoneal Exposure

Maneuvers & Exposure

Mattox Maneuver

  • “Left-Sided Medial Visceral Rotation” Mn
  • Procedure:
    • Mobilize Descending Colon at White Line of Toldt
    • Extend Incision Lateral Around the Spleen
    • Using Hand Sweep from Below-Up and Medial
      • Dissection Plane Directly on the Posterior Abdominal Wall
    • Rotate All Structures to the Midline
  • Visualize:
    • Entire Abdominal Aorta
    • Proximal Celiac Axis & SMA
    • Left Renal Artery
    • Limits IVC Exposure
  • Risk: Splenic Injury or Avulsion of Left Descending Lumbar Vein off Renal Vein

Inframesocolic Division

  • Used in Vascular Surgery as the Preferred Operative Approach for a Transperitoneal Open AAA Repair
  • Procedure:
    • Reflect Transverse Mesocolon Cephalad
    • Eviscerate Small Bowel to Right
    • Incise Retroperitoneum Along Midline
      • From Ligament of Treitz, Left of Aorta
      • Extend Caudally to the Right of the Aorta
  • Visualize:
    • Inframesocolic Aorta
      • More Targeted/Limited Than Mattox if Supramesocolic Access is Unnecessary
  • Pitfalls:
    • IMV Injury with Initial Cut
    • IMA/Sigmoid Mesentery Injury

Kocher Maneuver

  • Procedure:
    • Incise Posterolateral Peritoneal Attachments of Duodenum
    • Place Hand Behind Duodenum/Pancreatic Head and Retract Medially
  • Visualize:
    • Duodenum (D1, D2, Proximal D3) & Pancreas
    • Suprarenal IVC
    • Right Renal Hilum
  • Risk: Right Gonadal Vein Injury

Cattel-Braasch Maneuver

  • “Right-Sided Medial Visceral Rotation” Mn
  • 3-Stages:
    • 1. Kocher Maneuver
    • 2. “Extended” Kocher Maneuver
      • Extend Incision Caudally to the White Line of Toldt
      • Fully Mobilize the Ascending Colon
    • 3. “Super-Extended” Kocher Maneuver
      • Extend Incision Around the Cecum
      • Retract Bowel to the Right and Superiorly
      • Incise the Mesentery Attachment to the Posterior Peritoneum from the Medial Cecum to the Ligament of Treitz
  • Visualize:
    • Panoramic View of Entire Inframesocolic Retroperitoneum
    • Includes Distal D3 & D4
  • Risk: SMV Injury
    • Right Colon Hangs by Mesentery Alone
    • An Inadvertent Pull Will Avulse Right Colic Vein off SMV

Pringle Maneuver

  • Compression of Portal Triad Mn
  • Stops Hepatic Inflow (Artery & Portal Vein)
  • Does Not Stop Backflow from Hepatic Vein Bleed

Diagram Showing Incisions of Retroperitoneal Exposure Maneuvers

Simplified Retroperitoneal Exposure

Exposure of IVC

  • Suprarenal IVC: Kocher Maneuver
  • Infrarenal IVC: Cattel-Braasch Maneuver
    • Distal IVC & Iliac Bifurcation May Require Transection of Right Iliac Artery

Exposure of Aorta

  • Suprarenal Aorta: Mattox Maneuver
  • Infrarenal Aorta: Vascular Transperitoneal Aortic Exposure (Cephalad Transverse Mesocolon Reflection)

Exposure of Arterial Branches

  • Celiac Axis: Mattox Maneuver
  • SMA:
    • Proximal SMA: Mattox Maneuver
    • Body/Distal SMA: Cephalad Transverse Mesocolon Reflection


Differentiating Medial Visceral Rotations

  • Cattel-Cattle: Slow Cattle Only Reach the Ascending Colon
    • Cattel-Braasch Maneuver is Right-Sided
  • Mattox-Matchbox: Fast Matchbox Cars Reach the Descending Colon
    • Mattox Maneuver is Left-Sided

Pringle Maneuver

  • P-P: Pringle-Portal – The Pringle Maneuver Compresses the Portal Triad