Abdominal Wall: Hernia Descriptors

Basic Descriptors

Reducible Hernia

  • Able to Reduce/Push Back

Incarcerated Hernia

  • Unable to Reduce/Push Back
  • Risk of Strangulation

Strangulated Hernia

  • Obstructed Blood Supply Causing Ischemia/Necrosis
  • Surgical Emergency

Advanced Descriptors

Interparietal Hernia

  • Hernia Between the Layers of the Anterior Abdominal Wall
  • Commonly Incisional

Reduction en Masse

  • Repeatedly Reduced Sac Pushed in with Bowel Still Incarcerated
  • Typically Describing Inguinal Hernias
  • Tx: Laparotomy

Richter Hernia

  • Only the Antimesenteric Border of Bowel Wall is Herniated
    • No Obstruction
  • High Risk of Incarceration/Strangulation

Sliding Hernia

  • Retroperitoneal Organ Part of Hernia Sac
  • Most Common Organs:
    • Males – Sigmoid/Cecum
    • Females – Ovaries/Fallopian Tube
      • Ligate Round Ligament & Return Ovary

Littre Hernia

  • Hernia Contains Meckel Diverticulum Mn

Amyand Hernia

  • Hernia Contains Appendix
  • *Specifically Refers to an Inguinal Hernia Containing an Appendix Mn

Amyand Hernia 1


Hernia Descriptors

  • Littre – (In a German Accent) “Little” Ones Have Meckel’s
  • A-A: Amyand-Appendix


  1. Elias B, Chelala E, Allé JL. Transabdominal Laparoscopic Repair of Amyand’s Hernia: A Case Report. Case Rep Surg. 2011;2011:823936. (License: CC BY-3.0)