Anorectal: Lateral Internal Anal Sphincterotomy

Lateral Internal Anal Sphincterotomy


  • Small Radial Incision Over the Intersphincteric Groove
  • Site of Incision: Right Lateral
    • Between Anterior/Posterior Columns
    • Avoid Left Lateral Column
    • Posterior Incisions Result in “Keyhole Deformity” with Incontinence & Seepage
  • Technique:
    • Open Technique:
      • Separate Internal Anal Sphincter from the Anal Mucosa
      • Partially Divide the Sphincter with Scissors
    • Closed Technique:
      • Insert a No. 11 Blade Scalpel Parallel to the Sphincter
      • Rotate the Scalpel 90 Degrees Medially and Partially Divide the Sphincter
  • Cut Distal IAS
    • Proximal Extent of Incision: Proximal Extent of Fissure


  • Failure to Heal
    • Cause: Inadequate Division of the Internal Anal Sphincter
  • Fecal Incontinence
    • Risk:
      • Temporary: 44-50%
      • At Two Years: 15%
    • No Difference Between Open or Closed Technique
    • Higher Risk with Greater Length of Sphincter Division

Lateral Internal Anal Sphincterotomy 1


  1. Surgery E Learning. Wikimedia Commons. (License: CC BY-3.0)