Cardiothoracic Surgery: Lung Cancer Treatment



  • Small Cell Lung Carcinoma (SCLC)
    • Primary Treatment: Chemotherapy & Radiation Therapy
    • Only Consider Surgical Resection for Early-Stage Disease (Rare)
  • Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma (NSCLC)
    • Stage I/II: Surgical Resection
      • Adjuvant Chemotherapy Indications:
        • Stage IB with High-Risk Features
        • Stage II-III
        • Positive Margins
      • Consider Definitive Radiation Therapy if Not a Surgical Candidate
    • Stage III-IV: Chemotherapy & Radiation Therapy


  • Resectable – Able to Resect Based on Tumor Characteristics
  • Operable – Able to Undergo Surgery Based on Patient Characteristics

“Operable” – Patient Selection for Surgery

  • Initial Test: Pulmonary Function Tests (PFT’s)
    • Tests:
      • Forced Expiratory Value in One Second (FEV1) – Best Test
      • Diffusing Capacity for Carbon Monoxide (DLCO)
    • Interpretation:
      • FEV1 & DLCO ≥ 80% Predicted: Low-Risk, No Further Testing Necessary
      • FEV1 or DLCO < 80% Predicted: Further Testing Required (PPO PFT’s)
  • Second Step: Predicted Postoperative (PPO) PFT’s
    • Tests:
      • Perfusion Scintigraphy (VQ Scan) – Preferred for Pneumonectomy
      • Volumetric CT – Preferred for Lobectomy
    • Interpretation:
      • PPO FEV1 & DLCO ≥ 60% Predicted: Low-Risk, No Further Testing Necessary
      • PPO FEV1 or DLCO < 60% Predicted: Further Testing Required (Exercise Testing)
  • Third Step: Exercise Testing
    • Tests:
      • Low Technology Exercise Testing – Preferred if PPO FEV1 & DLCO ≥ 30% Predicted
      • Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing (CPET) – Preferred if PPO FEV1 or DLCO < 30% Predicted
    • Interpretation:
      • Exercise Testing (Stair Climb):
        • ≥ 22 m: Low-Risk, No Further Testing Necessary
        • < 22 m: Further Testing Required (CPET)
      • Exercise Testing (Incremental Shuttle Walk Test):
        • ≥ 400 m: Low-Risk, No Further Testing Necessary
        • < 400 m: Further Testing Required (CPET)
      • Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing (CPET)
        • VO2 Max > 15 ml/kg/min: Acceptable for Surgery
        • VO2 Max < 10 ml/kg/min: Surgery Contraindicated
  • *Historical Standards Used Absolute Cutoff Values – No Longer Used (Ignores Size, Age & Gender)
    • FEV1 > 2.0 L Required for Pneumonectomy
    • FEV1 > 1.5 L Required for Lobectomy
    • Predicted Postoperative FEV1 > 800 cc by VQ Scan Required if Initial PFT’s Insufficient

Surgery Contraindications

  • N2/N3 Lymph Node Involvement
  • Metastases (M1)
  • Malignant Pleural Effusion
  • Tumor Invasion of the Diaphragm, Mediastinum, Heart, Great Vessels, Trachea, Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve, Esophagus, Carina or Vertebral Body
  • Brachial Plexus Involvement
  • Superior Vena Cava (SVC) Syndrome

Superior Vena Cava (SVC) Syndrome

  • Severe/Life-Threatening Symptoms: Endovascular Stenting
    • *Immediate Radiation Therapy was Previously Used for Rapid Control Prior to Stenting
  • Other Treatments:
    • Chemotherapy for Chemotherapy-Sensitive Tumors (SCLC or Lymphoma)
    • Radiation Therapy for Radiosensitive Tumors
    • Systemic Anticoagulation if Thrombus is Present

Complications of Surgery


  • Most Common Complication After Lung Resection Overall
  • Most Common After Lobectomy


  • Most Common After Pneumonectomy

Lobar Torsion

  • Definition: Bronchus & Vascular Structures Twist Upon Themselves
  • Presentation:
    • Fever
    • Tachycardia
    • Decreased Breath Sounds
  • CXR Findings: Opacification of the Affected Lobe
  • Treatment:
    • Early: Detorsion
    • Late: Lobectomy

Bronchopleural Fistula

  • Definition: Fistula Between Bronchi & the Pleural Space
  • Most Common Cause: Lung Resection
    • Most Common After Segmentectomy
  • Presentation:
    • Persistent Air Leak
    • Pneumothorax or Tension Pneumothorax
    • Dyspnea
    • Chest Pain
    • Empyema
  • Treatment:
    • Initial Treatment: Chest Tube
    • Definitive Management: Surgical Repair
    • If Not a Surgical Candidate: Bronchoscopic Occlusion (Stent, Coils or Amplatzer Device)