Miscellaneous: Models & Protocols



  • Technique to Communicate Patient Information Between Members of a Health Care Team


  • S: Situation – Present What is Happening
  • B: Background – Condensed History/Context
  • A: Assessment – Statement of What the Problem Is
  • R: Recommendation – Recommendation of What the Next Step in Care Should Be



  • Model for Patient Handoffs Between Providers


  • I: Illness Severity – Stable/Unstable
  • P: Patient Summary – Condensed History/Context
  • A: Action List – To Do List
  • S: Situation Awareness & Contingency Planning – Plan for What Might Happen
  • S: Synthesis by Receiver – Receiver Summarizes & Asks Questions

“SPIKES Protocol”


  • Protocol for Delivering Bad News


  • S: Setting – Set Up the Interview
  • P: Perception – Assess the Patient/Family Perception
  • I: Invitation – See What the Patient Wants to Know
  • K: Knowledge – Share Knowledge
  • E: Emotions – Respond to Patient/Family Emotions
  • S: Strategy/Summary – Recap & Decide Next Plan

“Six Sigma Approach” (DMAIC Strategy)


  • Approach to Process Improvement


  • Define – Define the Problem
  • Measure – Collect Data About the Process & Problem
  • Analyze – Identify Root Causes that May be Contributing to the Negative Outcome
  • Improve – Implement Solutions to Eliminate the Root Causes
    • Approaches:
      • Shift the Process to Improve a Step’s End Metric
      • Reduce Variability by Standardization
  • Control – Establish Standards to Sustain Improvements Long-Term

“Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Method”


  • Method to Test & Refine a Change that is Implemented


  • Plan – Planning the Change
  • Do – Implementing the Change
  • Study – Observing Results
  • Act – Making Changes Based on What is Learned

Health Care Quality Domains


  • Domains of Health Care Quality
  • From the Institute of Medicine


  • Safe – Care is Not Causing Harm
  • Effective – Care is Based on Scientific Knowledge & Produces Beneficial Results
  • Patient-Centered – Care is Respectful & Responsive to Individual Needs/Preferences
  • Timely – Patients Requiring Care Have Timely Access
  • Efficient – Care Avoids Waste of Finances, Time, Equipment or Energy
  • Equitable – Care is Consistent for All Patients

“NOTSS Taxonomy”


  • Non-Technical Skills for Surgeons (NOTSS) Taxonomy
  • A Tool to Teach & Assess Non-Technical Skills in the Operating Theatre

Cognitive Skills

  • Situational Awareness
    • Gathering Information – From Preoperative Findings, Operative Findings, Environment, Equipment & People
    • Understanding Information – Interpretation of Gathered Information
    • Projecting & Anticipating Future States
  • Decision Making
    • Considering Options
    • Selecting & Communicating Options
    • Implementing & Reviewing Decisions

Interpersonal (Social) Skills

  • Communication & Teamwork
    • Exchanging Information
    • Establishing a Shared Understanding
    • Coordinating Team Activities
  • Leadership
    • Setting & Maintaining Standards – Promoting Safety & Abiding by Accepted Principles, Codes & OR Protocols
    • Supporting Others
    • Coping with Pressure