Oncology: Most Common Tumors

Most Common Cancers

Most Common Causes of Death in the US

  • Cardiovascular Disease #1
  • Cancer #2
  • Respiratory Disease #3


  • Cancer Diagnoses:
    • Prostate #1
    • Lung/Bronchus #2
    • Colorectal #3
  • Cancer Deaths:
    • Lung/Bronchus #1
    • Prostate #2
    • Colorectal #3


  • Cancer Diagnoses:
    • Breast #1
    • Lung/Bronchus #2
    • Colorectal #3
  • Cancer Deaths:
    • Lung/Bronchus #1
    • Breast #2
    • Colorectal #3

Most Common Metastases

Most Common Metastasis of a Primary Cancer

  • Breast: Lung Mets
  • Melanoma: Lung Mets
  • Colon: Liver & Lung Mets
  • Pancreas: Liver & Lung Mets
  • Sarcoma: Lung Mets

Most Common Primary Cancer of Metastasis

  • Bone: Breast Primary
    • Prostate Also Common
  • Skin: Breast or Melanoma Primaries
  • Small Intestine: Melanoma Primary
  • Ovary: GI Primary (Stomach/Krukenberg or Colon)
  • Adrenal Glands: Lung Primary
    • Breast Also Common

Most Common Primary of Lymph Nodes

  • Axillary Nodes: Lymphoma Primary #1
    • Also Breast & Melanoma
  • Periumbilical Nodes (Sister Mary Joseph Node): Pancreas Primary