Miscellaneous: Patient Care

Ethics of Patient Care

Adverse Events

  • Adverse (Sentinel) Event: Injury from Medical Management
    • Overall Incidence: 10%
  • Latent Error: Systemic (Organizational/Design) Conditions Which Contribute to Adverse Events
  • Near-Miss Events: Event that Could Have Resulted in Injury but Was Corrected Before
  • Never Events: Events that Should Never Happen in Surgery
    • Includes:
      • Wrong Site Surgery
      • Operating on the Wrong Patient
      • Retained Foreign Objects
    • Most Common Retained Object: Sponge
    • JCAHO Prevention Protocol:
      • Preoperatively Verify Patient & Procedure
      • Mark Operative Site
      • Preoperative Time-Out
  • “Workaround”: A Plan or Method to Circumvent a Problem without Eliminating It

Duty to Report

  • Definition: Mandatory Duty of a Physician to Report Certain Events
  • Includes:
    • Intimate Partner Violence
    • Child Abuse or Neglect
    • Elder Abuse or Neglect
    • Colleague Impairment, Incompetence or Unethical Conduct

HIV Reporting

  • Inform Public Health Department, Spouse & Partners Directly
  • Inform Exposed Faculty (Needle Stick)
    • Unexposed Health Care Personnel Should Not Be Informed
  • Surgeon with HIV Does Not Have to Disclose Infection & is Not Limited in Practice


  • Best Interpreter: Professional Medical Interpreter
    • They Can Potentially Be Frustrating & Time Consuming but Provide the Best Source for Appropriate Communication
    • Family/Friends May Lack Medical Terminology or Mask Meanings
    • Bilingual Students and Nurses Should Not Be Used if they are Not Professionally Trained – They May Be Unable to Appropriately Convey Medical Concepts
    • Patients Who are Not Completely Fluent May Not Be Able to Understand Complex Medical Decisions
  • Patients Have Unique Needs, Values & Preferences Regardless of Cultural Identification
    • Prior Experience Can Create Familiarity but Can Also Cloud the View
    • Surgeons Must Be Reflective & Open Minded