Vascular: Peripheral Vasculature

Peripheral Arterial Supply

Upper Extremity

  • Brachial Artery
    • From the Axillary Artery (Transitions at the Teres Major)
    • Branches:
      • Deep Brachial Artery (Profunda Brachii)
      • Superior Ulnar Collateral Artery
      • Inferior Ulnar Collateral Artery
    • Terminal Branches:
      • Radial Artery
        • Superficial Palmar Arch – Anastomosis to Ulnar Artery
        • Deep Palmar Arch – Anastomosis to Ulnar Artery
      • Ulnar Artery

Lower Extremity

  • Common Femoral (CFA) – Termination of the External Iliac After the Inguinal Ligament
    • Deep Femoral (DFA/Profunda Femoris)
    • Superficial Femoral (SFA)
      • Terminates to the Popliteal Artery at the Adductor Hiatus
  • Popliteal Branches
    • Genicular Branches (x5)
      • Superior (Medial & Lateral)
      • Middle
      • Inferior (Medial & Lateral)
    • Sural (Deep Branches)
    • Anterior Tibial
    • Tibioperoneal Trunk
      • Posterior Tibial
      • Fibular/Peroneal
  • Collateral Options
    • Off External Iliac
      • Deep Circumflex Iliac
    • Off Internal Iliac
      • Iliolumbar
      • Inferior Gluteal
      • Pudendal
  • Adductor/Hunter’s Canal
    • Borders:
      • Anterior/Lateral: Vastus Medialis
      • Posterior: Adductor Magnus & Longus
      • Medial: Sartorius
    • Contents: Superficial Femoral Artery/Vein & Saphenous Nerve

Brachial Artery 1

Forearm Arteries 1

Femoral Artery 1

Lower Leg Arteries 1

Peripheral Venous Drainage

Upper Extremity

  • Axillary Vein
    • Cephalic Vein (Lateral)
      • Median Cubital Vein (Connects Cephalic & Basilic in the Antecubital Fossa)
    • Basilic Vein (Medial)
    • Brachial Vein
      • Radial Vein
      • Ulnar Vein

Lower Extremity

  • Common Femoral Vein
    • Femoral Vein
      • Deep Femoral Vein
        • Superficial Iliac Circumflex
          • Lateral Circumflex Femoral Vein – Travels Between SFA/DFA
      • Popliteal Vein
        • Small Saphenous Vein (SSV)
        • Anterior & Posterior Tibial Veins
    • Greater Saphenous Vein (GSV)
  • Perforator Veins:
    • Drain Superficial Veins to Deep Veins
    • Dodd Perforators: Inferior Thigh
    • Boyd Perforators: At Knee Level
    • Cockett Perforators: Inferior Lower Leg

Veins of the Arm 1

Femoral Vein 1


Popliteal Vein 1


  1. Gray H. Anatomy of the Human Body (1918). Public Domain.