If Develops Hepatic Fibrosis & Portal Hypertension: Portosystemic Shunt or Esophagogastric Devascularization with Splenectomy
Schistosoma 1
Schistosoma Egg 2
Mebius MM, van Genderen PJ, Urbanus RT, Tielens AG, de Groot PG, van Hellemond JJ. Interference with the host haemostatic system by schistosomes. PLoS Pathog. 2013;9(12):e1003781. (License: CC BY-4.0)
Chen MG. Assessment of morbidity due to Schistosoma japonicum infection in China. Infect Dis Poverty. 2014 Feb 14;3(1):6. (License: CC BY-2.0)