Hematology: Protein S Deficiency

Protein S Deficiency


  • Definition: Deficiency in Protein S (< 60-65%)
    • Normally Protein S is a Cofactor for Activated Protein C (aPC) to Inhibit Factors Va & VIIIa
  • Diagnosis the Most Difficult Due to the Most Wide Variation in Circulating Levels
  • Prevalence: 0.1%


  • Increased Risk for VTE (Odds Ratio 3)
  • May Have an Increased Risk for Warfarin-Induced Skin Necrosis (More Typically Associated with Protein C Deficiency)



  • VTE Treatment: Anticoagulation – Similar to the General Population
  • VTE Prevention: Generally Can Avoid Routine Chronic Anticoagulation Unless Otherwise Indicated or High-Risk