Surgical Critical Care: Rhabdomyolysis



  • Definition: Muscle Necrosis Causing Release of Intracellular Contents
  • Final Common Pathway: Release of Intracellular Calcium
    • From ATP Depletion or Direct Injury
    • Cell Death from Protease Activation, Mitochondria Dysfunction & Reactive Oxygen Species
  • Cell Death Causes Release of CK, Electrolytes, Myoglobin and Other Enzymes


  • Trauma
  • Crush Injury
  • Exertional
  • Infection
  • Electrolyte Disturbances
  • Drugs/Toxins


  • Classic Triad:
    • Muscle Pain/Myalgia
    • Muscle Weakness
    • Dark Red-Brown Urine
  • Lethargy
  • Tachycardia
  • Nausea/Vomiting
  • Abdominal Pain
  • Altered Mental Status
  • Complications:
    • AKI – From Hypovolemia & Nephrotoxic Myoglobin
    • Compartment Syndrome
    • DIC


  • Labs:
    • Elevated CK
    • Myoglobinuria
    • Hyperkalemia
    • Hyperphosphatemia
    • Hypocalcemia (Enters into Damaged Myocytes)
      • May See Rebound Hypercalcemia with Recovery
    • Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis
    • High Uric Acid
  • Diagnosis: Acute CK Elevation with Either an Acute Neuromuscular Illness or Dark Urine
    • CK > 5,000 U/L (In General but No Absolute Cutoff)


  • Primary Goal of Tx: Prevention of AKI
    • Aggressive IV Fluids
    • Bicarbonate
      • Alkalinize the Urine to Prevent Cast Formation
      • Contraindications: Hypocalcemia, pH ≥ 7.5 or HCO3 < 30
  • May Require Dialysis for Volume Overload, Acidemia, Hyperkalemia or Uremia
  • Generally Avoid Mannitol or Diuretics

Tea-Colored Urine of Rhabdomyolysis 1


  1. Ganeshram P, Goundan PN, Jeyachandran V, Arthur P. Five factors contributing to severe rhabdomyolysis in a 21 yr old IV drug abuser: a case report. Cases J. 2009 Jul 7;2:6479. (License: CC BY-3.0)