Anorectal: Restorative Proctocolectomy with Ileal Pouch-Anal Anastomosis (RPC-IPAA)

Restorative Proctocolectomy with Ileal Pouch Anal Anastomosis (RPC-IPAA)


  • Restorative Proctocolectomy – Complete Colon & Rectum Resection Sparing the Anus for Reconstruction
  • Ileal Pouch-Anal Anastomosis – Ileum Loop Folded onto Itself Creating a Pouch for Anastomosis
    • Pouch Allows Reservoir to Decrease Bowel Movement Frequency
  • Often Done as a Two-Stage Procedure with Initial Diverting Loop Ileostomy

Possible Candidates

  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease without Rectal Involvement Refractory to Medical Management
    • Generally Used in Ulcerative Colitis but Not for Crohn’s Disease
  • Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP)
  • Severe Colonic Inertia Refractory to Medical Therapy (Ileorectal Anastomosis Preferred)


  • Absolute:
    • Severe Fecal Incontinence
    • Low Rectal CA Involving Sphincters
    • Perianal Crohn’s Disease
  • Relative:
    • Morbid Obesity
    • Low Rectal CA with Neoadjuvant Tx
    • Non-Perianal Crohn’s Disease
    • Prior Extensive Small Bowel Resection

Ileal Pouch Types

  • J-Pouch (2-Limbs)
    • Preferred Type
    • Length: 15-20 cm
  • Rare Alternative Types:
    • S-Pouch (3-Limbs)
    • W-Pouch (4-Limbs)

Techniques to Decrease Tension or Ensure Reach

  • Division of Ileum Flush with Cecum
  • Complete Mobilization of Small Intestine to the Third Portion of Duodenum
  • Full Adhesiolysis
  • Transverse-Stepladder Relaxing Incisions Over the Mesentery Under Tension Along SMA Vessels


  • Most Common Long-Term Complication (23-59%)
    • Higher-Risk if Resection Due to Ulcerative Colitis
  • Infectious Pouchitis
    • Cause: Inflammation of Pouch from Infection
      • Postoperative Microbiome of Pouch Transitions from Ileum-Like to Colon-Like
      • No Specific Pathogens Have Been Consistently Implicated
    • Sx: Diarrhea, Bloody Stools, Pain & Fever
    • Tx: Oral ABX (Ciprofloxacin #1, Metronidazole or Tinidazole)
      • Consider Biopsy to Rule Out Chron’s Disease
  • Diversion/Disuse Pouchitis
    • *See Large Intestine: Diversion Colitis
    • Cause: Inflammation of Pouch from Diversion by Loop Ileostomy Due to Deficiency of SCFA’s
    • Preferred Tx: Surgical Reanastomosis
    • If Unable to Reanastomose: SCFA Enema
      • Consider Topical Anti-Inflammatory (5-ASA/Steroids)



  1. Terrone DG, Lepanto L, Billiard JS, Olivié D, Murphy-Lavallée J, Vandenbroucke F, Tang A. A primer to common major gastrointestinal post-surgical anatomy on CT-a pictorial review. Insights Imaging. 2011 Dec;2(6):631-638. (License: CC BY-2.0)