Otolaryngology: Sialadenitis



  • Sialolithiasis: Stone Within the Salivary Gland or Duct
  • Sialadenitis/Sialoadenitis: Inflammation of the Salivary Gland

Stone Risk Factors

  • Stagnant Flow of Saliva
  • Inflammation or Injury
  • Male Sex
  • Hypovolemia or Diuretics
  • Anticholinergic Medications
  • Tobacco

Most Common Glands

  • Submandibular Gland (80-90% – Most Common)
    • Longer Duct
    • Slow Flow of Saliva Against Gravity
    • High Mucin and Calcium Content
  • Parotid Gland (6-20%)
  • Sublingual Glands (1-2%)


  • Pain
  • Swelling


  • Clinical Diagnosis
  • Consider Imaging (US/CT) if Concerned for Malignancy or Abscess


  • Primary Treatment: Conservative Management
    • Good Hydration
    • Duct Massage
    • Salivation (Hard Candies/Lemon Drops)
    • NSAID’s for Pain Control
  • If Fails: Minimally Invasive Intervention
    • Sialoendoscopy with Stone Removal
    • Laser Lithotripsy
    • Extracorporeal Lithotripsy
  • If Still Fails: Surgical Stone Removal
  • ABX if Concerned for Secondary Infection (Fever/Purulence)

Suppurative Parotiditis


  • Definition: Acute Infection of the Parotid Gland
  • Most Common Organism: Staphylococcus aureus


  • Often See 4-12 Days Postoperatively
  • Pain & Swelling
  • Erythema
  • Decreased Saliva

Risk Factors

  • Postoperative Elderly Patients with Dehydration – Most Common
  • Stagnant Flow of Saliva
  • Anticholinergic Medications
  • Tobacco
  • Malnutrition
  • Sialolithiasis


  • Primary Treatment: Hydration and IV Antibiotics
  • Indication for Surgical Drainage: Abscess or Antibiotic Failure After 48 Hours