Skin & Soft Tissue: Skin Abscess

Skin Abscess


  • Definition: Purulent Fluid Collection within the Dermis & Subcutaneous Tissue
  • Most Common Organism: Staphylococcus aureus
    • Majority Are Polymicrobial


  • Painful
  • Fluctuant
  • Erythematous Nodule
  • May Have Surrounding Cellulitis


  • Clinical Diagnosis Based on Physical Exam
  • Consider Ultrasound if Uncertain


  • Primary Treatment: Incision & Drainage (I&D)
  • Antibiotic Indications:
    • Size ≥ 2 cm
    • Multiple Lesions
    • Extensive Surrounding Cellulitis
    • Sepsis/Systemic Toxicity (Fever, Tachycardia, Hypotension)
    • Immunosuppressed (Diabetes)
    • Prosthetic Devices
    • High Risk for Endocarditis
    • Failure of I&D Alone

Incision & Drainage (I&D)

  • Procedure:
    • Make Incision Over the Most Prominent Area
      • If No Prominence is Identified – Incise Along the Most Dependent Area
    • Excise All Necrotic Tissue
    • Break All Loculations Using a Finger or Kelly Clamp
    • Consider Packing to Keep Allow Continued Drainage
  • Most Common Complication: Bleeding

Abscess 1


  1. Raj A. Wikimedia Commons. (License: CC BY-SA-3.0)