Miscellaneous: Study Design

Study Design

Descriptive Studies

  • Case Report
    • Report of a Single Patient Case
  • Case Series
    • Compares: A Single Group of Patients Similar in Some Form (Receiving an Intervention or with a Certain Disease)
      • No Control Group
    • Describes: Risk Factors or Outcomes

Analytical Studies Mn

  • Case-Control Study
    • Compares: Diseased vs. Healthy
    • Determines: Past Risk Factors
  • Cross-Sectional Study
    • Compares: A Group with a Current Risk Factor vs. a Group Without the Risk Factor
    • Determines: Prevalence of an Outcome Now
  • Cohort Study
    • Compares: A Group with the Risk Factor vs. a Group Without the Risk Factor
    • Determines: Incidence of Outcome
    • Types:
      • Retrospective Cohort – Looks at Patients with Past Risk Factors to Evaluate Incidence to Now Retrospectively
      • Prospective Cohort – Looks at Patients with Current Risk Factors to Evaluate Incidence into the Future Prospectively
  • Clinical Trial
    • Compares: Treatment Group vs. Control Group
    • Determines: Outcomes in Future Prospectively
    • Randomized Control Trial (RCT) – Essentially the Gold Standard Study
  • Reviews of Multiple Studies:
    • Meta-Analysis
      • Combines Data from Different Studies
    • Systematic Review
      • Qualitatively Reviews Multiple Studies

Other Study Design Considerations

  • Clinical Equipoise – There Must Be No Clear Preference Between the Different Tested Interventions
  • Blinding:
    • Blinded Study – Patients Do Not Know Which Treatment They are Receiving
      • Eliminates Placebo Effect
    • Double-Blinded Study – Neither Patients nor Physicians Know Which Treatment They are Receiving
  • Intention-to-Treat Analysis – Data Analyzed by the Group they are Randomized To
    • Regardless of Whether They Receive the Intended Treatment or Not
    • Includes Noncompliance, Withdrawal from Study, Loss to Follow Up or Protocol Violations

Research Clinical Trials

  • Phase I: Assessment of Safety & Dosing
  • Phase II: Assessment of Effectiveness
  • Phase III: Comparison to Existing Treatment
  • Phase IV: Implementation & Marketing


Visual Comparison of Study Types