Grade II: Urine Reflux into the Ureter, Renal Pelvis & Calyces, Without Dilation
Grade III: Mild-Moderate Dilation/Tortuosity of the Ureter & Renal Pelvis with Minimal Blunting of the Fornices
Reflux with Mild Dilation of the Ureter & Pyelocalyceal System
Grade IV: Moderate Dilation/Tortuosity of the Ureter & Renal Pelvis/Calyces with Complete Obliteration of the Sharp Angles of the Fornices but Maintenance of the Papillary Impressions in the Majority of the Calyces
Grade V: Gross Dilation/Tortuosity of the Ureter & Renal Pelvis/Calyces with No Visible Papillary Impressions in the Majority of the Calyces
No Ureter Dilation (Grade I-II): Conservative Management