Hematology: Coagulation Testing

Conventional Labs

Bleeding Time

  • Test: A Small Incision is Made in a Standardized Fashion & Time is Recorded Until Bleeding Stops
  • Normal Time: 1-9 Minutes
  • Evaluates: Platelet Function (Adhesion and Aggregation)
    • Not Effected by Coagulation Factor Disorders

Prothrombin Time (PT)

  • Test: Thromboplastin is Added to Plasma & Time is Recorded Until Clot Forms
  • Normal Time: 10-12 Seconds
  • Evaluates: Extrinsic & Common Coagulation Pathway Function Mn
    • Factors II, V, VII & X
  • Best Test for Synthetic Liver Function

Partial Thromboplastin Time (PTT)

  • Test: Calcium & Activated Substances (Kaolin & Cephalin) are Added to Plasma & Time is Recorded Until Clot Forms
  • Normal Time: 30-45 Seconds
  • Evaluates: Intrinsic & Common Coagulation Pathway Function
    • All Factors Except VII & XIII
  • Goal for Anticoagulation: 60-100 Seconds

International Normalized Ratio (INR)

  • Calculated Value from Prothrombin Time (PT)
  • Normal INR: 1.0
  • Goal for Anticoagulation: 2.0-3.0
    • May Be Higher for Prosthetic Heart Valves
  • Relative Contraindications:
    • > 1.5: Surgery
    • > 2.0: Central Line Placement, Percutaneous Bx & Eye Surgery

Activated Clotting Time (ACT)

  • Bedside Test Measuring Time to Clot Formation After Activation by Kaolin or Celite
  • Used to Monitor Coagulation During Cases Using High Doses of Heparin
    • Obtained Every 20-30 Minutes During the Case
  • Normal Time: 70-120 Seconds
  • Therapeutic Goals:
    • Dialysis: 160-180 Seconds
    • Vascular Surgery: > 150-200 Seconds
    • CABG: 480-600 Seconds
  • Same as R Time in TEG

Thrombelastogram (TEG)



  • PT (Shorter) Measures the Extrinsic Pathway (Shorter)
  • PTT (Longer) Measures the Intrinsic Pathway (Longer)