Skin & Soft Tissue: Desmoid Tumor

Desmoid Tumor


  • Fibroblastic Tumor of Fascial & Aponeurotic Connective Tissue
  • Benign with No Mets
  • Locally Aggressive with High Local Recurrence (30%)


  • Intraabdominal – Most are Unresectable at Time of Diagnosis
  • Extraabdominal
    • Most Common Site: Anterior Abdominal Wall (Often Following Pregnancy or Trauma)



  • CT: Depends on Composition
    • Can be Homogenous or Heterogenous
    • Can by Hypointense or Hyperintense
  • Core Needle Bx (Histology): Spindle Cells, Dense Fibrosis, High Cellularity & Low Mitotic Index


  • General Treatment: Surgical Resection
    • Can Observe if Asymptomatic & Stable in Size
  • If Unresectable: XRT or Chemo (Tamoxifen & Sulindac)
  • Consider Colonoscopy to Evaluate FAP

Retroperitoneal Desmoid Tumor 1

Desmoid Tumor Rectus Abdominis Postpartum 2


  1. Heilman J. Wikimedia Commons. (License: CC BY-SA-4.0)
  2. Choi SH, Lee JH, Seo BF, Kim SW, Rhie JW, Ahn ST. Desmoid tumor of the rectus abdominis muscle in a postpartum patient. Arch Plast Surg. 2012 Jul;39(4):439-41. (License: CC BY-NC-3.0)