Trauma: Mangled Extremity

Mangled Extremity


  • Definition: Damage to ≥ 3 Functional Components
  • Functional Components:
    • Soft Tissue
    • Nerves
    • Vessels
    • Bones

Mangled Extremity Severity Score (MESS)

  • Factors:
    • Tissue Injury:
      • 1 – Low Energy (Stab, Simple Fracture or Pistol Gun Shot Wound)
      • 2 – Medium Energy (Open Fracture, Multiple Fractures or Dislocation)
      • 3 – High Energy (High-Speed MVC or Rifle Gun Shot Wound)
      • 4 – Very High Energy (High Energy & Gross Contamination)
    • Ischemia Time:
      • 1 – Pulse Reduced or Absent but Perfusion Normal
      • 2 – Pulseless, Paresthesia, Diminished Capillary Refill
      • 3 – Cool, Paralyzed, Insensate, Numb
    • Shock:
      • 0 – SBP Always > 90 mmHg
      • 1 – SBP Transiently < 90 mmHg
      • 2 – SBP Persistently < 90 mmHg
    • Age (Years):
      • 0 – < 30
      • 1 – 30-50
      • 2 – > 50
    • *Score Doubled if Ischemia Time > 6 Hours
  • Used to Consider Amputation vs Salvage
    • Score 0-6 Points – Limb Will Likely Be Salvaged
    • Score 7-14 Points – Amputation Will Likely Be Required

Mangled Extremity


  • Salvage vs Amputation: Overall Functional Outcomes & Quality of Life Equivalent
  • Formal Amputation Indications:
    • Inadequate Physiologic Reserve from Other Injury
    • Contributing to Significant Physiologic Derangement
    • Traumatic with Destruction of Distal Tissues
    • No Reasonable Expectation of Functional Recovery
  • Guillotine Amputation Indications:
    • Gross Contamination and Multiple Other Life-Threatening Injuries

Compartment Syndrome

Vascular Injury
