Breast: Invasive Carcinoma

Invasive Carcinoma


  • Risk in United States:
    • Women: 12% (1 in 8)
    • Men: 0.13%
  • Time of Progression from a Single-Cell to a 1 cm Tumor: 5-7 Years
  • Average Survival if Untreated: 2-3 Years
  • Average Risk of Developing a Second Breast Cancer in the Contralateral Breast: 0.2-0.5% Per Year
  • Sites of Metastasis:
    • Bone – Most Common
    • Lung
    • Brain
    • Liver

Histology of Invasive Carcinoma

  • Primary Types:
    • Invasive Lobular Carcinoma (ILC): Proliferation of Lobule Cells with Basement Membrane Invasion
      • 5-10% of All Invasive Breast Lesions
    • Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC): Proliferation of Ductal Cells with Basement Membrane Invasion
      • 70-80% of All Invasive Breast Lesions
  • Less Common Types:
    • Tubular Carcinoma (2-20%) – Well-Differentiated, Favorable Prognosis, Rare Mets & Near 100% Survival
    • Mucinous (Colloid) Carcinoma (1-2%) – Well-Differentiated & Favorable Prognosis
    • Medullary Carcinoma (1-10%) – Somewhat Favorable Prognosis Despite Poor Differentiation (High-Grade), Associated with BRCA I
    • Micropapillary CarcinomaParticularly Aggressive with Worse Prognosis & High Risk for Nodal Metastases Even if Small
    • Tubulolobular Carcinoma
    • Metaplastic Carcinoma
    • Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma
    • Secretory Carcinoma
    • Apocrine Carcinoma

Risk Factors

Genetic Mutations

Molecular Receptors


  • *See Breast: Breast Mass Evaluation
  • Location Description:
    • Multifocal: Multiple Foci in Same Quadrant
    • Multicentric: Involves Multiple Quadrants
      • Increased Risk if Central & Subareolar
  • Pathology:
    • ILC: Small Cells Infiltrate Stroma & Adipose Tissue in a Single-File Pattern
      • Grow in Linear Plane & Infiltrate Between Tissue Planes Rather Than Distorting
      • Cells are Negative for E-Cadherin (Epithelial)
    • IDC: Cords & Nests of Tumor Cells with Varying Gland Formation & Fibrotic Response
      • Cells are Positive for E-Cadherin
  • Difficult to Detect on Frozen Section (Cells Similar to Lymphocytes) 

Invasive Lobular Carcinoma 1

Invasive Ductal Carcinoma 2

TNM Staging

  • TNM
  T N M
0 No Evidence of Primary (is – In Situ) None None
1 < 2 cm T1mi: ≤ 1 mm T1a: > 1 mm
T1b: > 5 mm
T1c: > 10 mm
N1mi: Micrometastases (About 200 Cells, 0.2-2.0 mm)
N1a: 1-3 Axillary Lymph Node Metastaseswith At Least One ≥ 2.0 mm
N1b: Mets in Ipsilateral Internal Mammary Sentinel Nodes
N1c: Both N1a & N1b
Distant Mets
2 > 2 cm N2a: 4-9 Axillary Lymph Node Metastaseswith At Least One ≥ 2.0 mm
N2b: Positive Internal Mammary Nodes by Imaging with Pathologically Negative Axillary Nodes
3 > 5 cm N3a: ≥ 10 Axillary Lymph Node Metastases or Infraclavicular Lymph Node Metastases
N3b: N1a or N2a with cN2b (Positive Internal Mammary Nodes by Imaging); or N2a with N1b
N3c: Mets in Ipsilateral Supraclavicular Lymph Nodes
4 T4a: Extension into Chest Wall (Not Muscle)
T4b: Skin Ulceration or Edema (Peau d’Orange)
T4c: Both T4a & T4b
T4d: Inflammatory Carcinoma
*Invasion of Dermis Alone Does Not Qualify as T4
  • Stage
  T N M
I A T1 N0 M0
B T0-1 N1mi M0
II A T0-1 N1 M0
T2 N0 M0
B T2 N1 M0
T3 N0 M0
III A T0-2 N2 M0
T3 N1-2 M0
B T4 N0-2 M0
C Any T N3 M0
IV   Any T Any N M1


Special Populations


  1. Uthman E. Wikimedia Commons. (License: CC BY-SA-2.0)
  2. Wu D. Wikimedia Commons. (License: CC BY-SA-3.0)